A selection of feedback from our fantastic Lancaster audience who came to see us at the Mental Health in Higher Education Conference
‘This was a profoundly moving and disturbing experience – an emotional rollercoaster. I liked the honesty of this and I appreciated the skill.’
‘For me the performance provoked contradictory emotions of discomfort, humour, compassion and guilt.’
‘Your performance took me through a whole range of emotions: sadness, joy, despair, frustration etc (from a mental health professional and survivor of the oppressive mental health system)’
‘Great stuff: lovely dry humour....subverting the role of audience and who is subject/object’
‘Powerful, funny, moving, unnerving, thought provoking: a rollercoaster ride’
‘Excellent issue-based high quality theatre’
‘A talented group with lived experience, truth and art, important messages – pushing the boundaries to get to the truth.’
‘You have conveyed the essence of the experience in an accessible, authentic and interesting way’
‘Lovely balance of humour, truth and uncomfortable feelings’
A big thank you to all those who supported our performance at the conference, for more details please don't hesitate to contact us - g.alldred@yorksj.ac.uk
Episodes - in rehearsal

'Dipixel Shuffle'